Survivor Series Let's Live 2020

Survivor Series Let’s Live 2020

When you are hit by adversity or have your life disrupted, how do you respond? Some people feel victimized. They blame others for their plight. Some shut down. They feel helpless and overwhelmed. Some get angry. They lash out and try to hurt anyone they can.
A few, however, reach within themselves and find ways to cope with the difficult circumstance. They eventually make things turn out well. These are life’s best survivors, those people with an amazing capacity for surviving crises and extreme difficulties. They are resilient and durable in distressing situations. They regain emotional balance quickly, adapt, and cope well. They thrive by gaining strength from adversity and often convert misfortune into a gift.
From September 10: World Suicide Prevention Day to October 10: World Mental Health day, we take you through the lives of 30 survivors from our surroundings. Their stories might be different but they share one thing in common: the survivor personality in action.

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