A workshop on Single Parenting!

Yesterday, at The Orange Room, we had a session on Single Parenting.  The session saw single parents sharing their experiences, challenges and tips. And we thought it would be useful to share a few pointers here.

Challenges faced in unsettled divorces

  1. Some of the single parents make the child guilty for having fun with their other parent
  2. Some of the single parents involve children in their marital disputes
  3. Fights at changeover time that causes stress to the children
  4. Asking the child what they did/whom they met at the other parent’s place with an intend to know more about their ex-partner’s new partner.

Common Challenges faced in single parenting

Parental Perspective: 

Some of the aspects that worry the adults who are in custody of their children are

  1. Responding to parental needs with limited help
  2. Unmet emotional needs
  3. Unmet sexual needs
  4. Lack of money
  5. Appointing a guardian in case of sudden demise of custodian parent

Children’s Perspective:

  1. Some of the challenging aspects from children’s side are
  2. The child is more prone to misbehave to custodian parent
  3. The child envies friends with two parents at home
  4. The child becomes suspicious/jealous of your new relationship
  5. A lonely parent may cling to children for support and company making it hard for the child to eventually leave home

Some tips for Healthy Single Parenting:

  1. Setting healthy physical, mental and emotional boundaries
  2. Make sure your children know they are loved by providing them with time, attention and care
  3. Be grateful & Teach Gratitude – focus on what you/they have and not what you/they miss
  4. Remember no one’s perfect and that is okay.
  5. Know who you are as an individual
  6. Give your child the type of parenting they need, not what you are familiar/ comfortable with
  7. Be the Parent and not a friend during the early years of childhood. Focus should be on keeping them physically and emotionally safe
  8. Don’t say one thing and do another. Be consistent. Children are observing and they want to trust you.
  9. Create Routines – schedule and structure makes things easier for children
  10. Connect with similar families

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